The budget, strategy for getting noticed in the mailbox, and desired in-home date should drive the decision of the postage rate and treatment. But, remember that with (nearly) every postage treatment, there is an associated cost.
- First-class full – this is a good first step explanation to the mailshop but then we need to clarify meter, stamp, or a series of stamps. A series of stamps costs more to apply and is a technique that we love, but shouldn’t overuse.
- First auto or 3rd auto – again, stamp or meter, and the word ‘auto’ means ‘add a barcode’. In these cases – if a window envelope – the barcode will always go under the NDA. If a closed face envelope – A barcode under the address block looks very commercial – so often for first-class mail or even 3rd we will drop the barcode placement into the lower right corner. But this adds another head of inkjet and is more expensive. A budget discussion before instructions is in order.
- Cancellation of a string of stamps – adds an additional cost always. You should allow the post office to do this – note: this is for a string of first-class stamps. A presort stamp – first or 3rd – will never get canceled by the post office -that’s why we opt to faux cancel but anytime our mailshop adds a faux cancellation – it adds a cost. A budget discussion before the instructions are written is in order.
- When you say the phrase – presort but not auto – this means the postage rate will be less expensive than first full rate – and no barcode will be added. A budget discussion before instructions.
- Presort Auto – instructs the mailshop to sort at the cheapest rate – if closed face – you may want to add the barcode to the lower right – an additional cost – but if a window – the barcode will be under the NAD.
- Mailshop Indicia – often used in acquisition but definitely a discussion as far as strategy/design and cheapest to use as it preprinted.
- Company Indicia – this version is designed – includes the nonprofit’s name and rate of postage. Requires that you open a ‘company indicia permit’ at the mailshop – costs about $300 or a little more for the permits needed – the permits are good for one year.
- Metered postage – you could mail auto or no auto-sort only. If auto a barcode will be included; if just sort – first or nonprofit – no barcode and the postage rate is higher.
That’s a lot of data but you see why you need to be more precise with the postage rate and treatment directions to the mailshop. Your project synopsis can be referenced but postage is so expensive – you’ll want to be more specific with your instructions to save $ when you can.
If your budget is tight – go auto without stamp cancellations and without a barcode in the lower right.
The instructions to the mailshop are the #1 place to be clear about the postage rate and treatment. But if at Project Synopsis you decide on a technique – postage treatment – that is essential to the overall impact of the mailpiece – you need to discuss before that direction is changed at mailshop instructions as it will likely impact costs.